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(Doing Development Differently, (DDD))

Doing development differently focuses on the collaboration or partnership between the government/development agencies and citizens without the involvement of third parties (Non-Governmental Organizations, Civil Society Organizations and other experts) in driving home developmental projects and initiatives to overall interest of the society.

It is a step by step approach where the citizens are made to breakdown their problems into its root causes, identify entry point, search for possible solutions, take actions, reflect upon what they have learned, adapt and then act again.

 It is a dynamic process with tight feedback loops that allows the people to build local solutions to their problems within their local context.  Voices are stronger when the people that have the problems are at the frontline seeking solutions to their problems and implementing thought out solutions. The gap between the people and the government/ development agencies is what gave room to corruption, infrastructural decay, abandonment of projects, unemployment etc.

The business of governance should start with citizens by way of consultation, driven by the citizens by way of implementation, end with service delivery to the citizens and the delivered service must be preserved by the citizens by way of sustainability. The citizen should be at the center of it all. This approach is at variance with what is in practice. In practice, the few in government and the government contractors and in some cases the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) or Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are the focus point.

This trend will have to change if Nigeria and Africa truly desire development in the real sense of it. The citizens voice must be heard. They are the ones wearing the shoe and they know the exact place the shoe is pinching them. Governance under one roof is the way forward.

DDD approach postulates that “too many development initiatives have limited impact. Schools are built but children do not learn. Clinics are built but sickness persists. Government adopt reforms but too little changes for their citizens” (DDD Manifesto Community 2014). From this perspective, it means that something is happening, but it is not enough: the interventions does not have the effects it seeks. Doing Development Differently is what will lead to transformational development in Nigeria and Africa at large.

Transformational development is the outcome of DDD approach to development. Transformational development encompasses genuine, lasting improvements in people’s lives that are enabled and sustained by the creation of just, equitable, accountable, and environmentally sustainable social, economic and political system. It requires that development actors work with values and methods that are consistent with transformational outcome.

 Development that is driven by a DDD approach is not transactional in nature. That is, when governments or aids agencies focus on an exchange: they deliver money, goods or services on the assumption that these will overcome the challenging problems being targeted (Darnton and Kirk 2011. 117), rather, it is relational.

DDD approach is a development that is relational in nature and not transactional. It involves relational way of thinking and engagement of the people with deeper, challenging processes that are related to the collective distribution and maximization of resources. It encourages the handling of collective problems collectively.

NGOs and Community Development: A global view

Emphasis are moving from professional NGOs and Civil Society (CS)S to community organised or constituency based partners that can hold government to account and be useful to themselves. } Classes of CS include – Community Based Organisations (CBO), State based, Faith Based Organisations (FBO), Non Governmental Organisations (NGO), professional bodies, unions, Non Governmental Individuals (NGI), Government NGO (GONGO), etc. Some are for business and profit while some are not. Though most pose as Not For Profit. } Sources of funding for CS include donors, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), countries, foundations, individuals, etc. } Most of these CS are third party engagement, more expensive to work with and usually unsustainable. Though they play important role in the CS ecosystem in Nigeria. AID vs DEVELOPMENT } Dimensions of ‘development’ } rescue } timeframe, } Management of the process } Problems } Relief } technology transfer – agric, epi, hrmis, etc } capacity building } Grants ALL THESE ARE AID NOT DEVELOPMENT. They thrive on grants and donations. AID vs DEVELOPMENT (contd) } Grant + capacity building created city elites that are selfish and distrust among people. People are exposed to what they are not used to and cut off from communities. } This has led to many right based organisations and group of people operating in the civic space seeking visibility and often times unconstructively challenging government. } What we get is corporate social visibility (not responsibility) from aid donors and partners } Therefore we, as a people, can NEVER define our development in the context of other climes and constituencies and donors. } We must define what development means to us.

Context specific AID vs DEVELOPMENT (Contd) Charity vs Adoption In an orphanage, Charity donates (to a child or children) Usually one off. Less energy to deliver. Shorter time to deliver. Howeevr, donor not in full control of the management of the resources. Etc. Adoption (of a child) requires Commitment, Ownership, Responsibility, Sustainability, Real growth, beneficiaries receive consciously and contribute to solution

DEVELOPMENT IS ALL ABOUT IMPROVING LIVES AND ENVIRONMENT IN A SUSTAINABLE AND PLANNED WAY } Development is like adoption while charity is like aid. } Development is not about giving but getting the best out of people.

DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES } Development cannot happen with an aid (or beggarly) mind set unless we the people stand up to develop ourselves. } A lot of CS has been crushed and dislocated from connecting to people. They have been spoilt with aid money and left the original intention. Recall how they fight the NGO the NGO bill despite the security challenges inherent in status quo } Nationalism, national, state and organisational agenda are lacking on most CS. Real ones are quickly going extinct while the funders have and are achieving their agenda. Chikena! Gaskiya! Beeni! Otua! Gbam! }

The second challenge of development is civilization leading to economic migration. Do you know that more than 60% of our people are living outside the communities. } Arrival syndrome, isomorphic mimicry and capability traps set in (topic for another day). Governance under one roof laced with technology is the way out. Contemporary Development Practice } Doing development differently (DDD) – › PDIAtoolkit.

Harvard CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT – Building State Capability. } PDIA – is a step-by-step approach which helps you break down your problems into its root causes, identify entry points, search for possible solutions, take action, reflect upon what you have learned, adapt and then act again. It is a dynamic process with tight feedback loops that allows you to build your own solution to your problem that fits your local context. } Locally Led development – Local drivers } Politically Smart } Iterative and adaptive based on reflection and shared learning } Problem driven } Partnership based and accountability. } Value for money catalysed by use of technology } Sustainability } Evidence based engagement } International Development Finance Institutions influence development Voices are stronger when the people that have the problem are the advocates of the problem. They are more potent. } Dependence is not a sign of growth. Independence is it. Practical experience DDD. The fights within Way to go } Partnership to get a critical mass of voice is one key approach – media, legislature, other CS (vertical and horizontal linkages). Developing transactional values for one another. The overall transactional value is the demand side. Governance under one roof improves this. } Gender and social inclusion as a key to development. Geopolitical, demographic and sectoral voices. Think about the women meetings and how powerful they are in the communities. } Increase voice -Voices are stronger when the people that have the problem are the advocates for the solution to the problem } Governance is longs distance race – oso ntachi. } And this must be in our mind set. Governance Under One Roof Who/what is the Alpha and Omega of good Governance } The Business of Government Should start with Citizens consultation with citizens and end with Service Delivery to the Citizens – The citizen is at the Centre } However, in practice the duty bearers have become the centre of focus for governance including decisions, policies, and issues. This trend will have to change if we truly want development in the real sense of it. Governance under one roof can be a way to go Where should CS strive to be? } On whose side are you when it comes to citizens issues? } We must strive to give voice to the people and not be the voice of the people all the time. We have to be on our own side even as we change constituencies in our everyday life activities. Can AFORRC do it alone? } NO! } The need for media, CS, legislature and Government to maximize the inherent gains of partnering for development purposes cannot be over emphasized. Inclusion, participation, consultation, etc. should be made the core of our practices especially for government administrators Together we can make a better society Thank you!!

Stakeholders Engagement with Government

What is Democracy? } According to Abraham Lincoln: Democracy is government of the People by the People for the People } In the dictionary definition: Democracy “is government by the people in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.”….. Who/what is the Alpha and Omega of good Governance } The Business of Government Should start with Citizens consultation with citizens and end with Service Delivery to the Citizens } The citizens at the Centre }

In practice the duty bearers have become the centre of focus for governance including decisions, policies, and issues. This trend will have to change if we truly want development in the real sense of it Who owns the farm? } How did we get here? }

You cannot hire labourers to work for you in the farm and the labourers turn around and call you an outsider in the farm and keep secrets, put barriers to you being part of your farm

Na who send you come? }

For the CS, media, SHOA and Government groups, who are you representing? } The boss, Funders, Yourself, your family, your affiliate union, } Why are you nominated or statutorily selected to be here and why did you make efforts to attend.

All must work towards of the betterment of the citizens. Whose voice do you hear? } In the public space including the media, CS and SHOA hallowed chambers, etc. whose issues are being REALLY discussed. } Does the CONSTITUENCIES have voice or have the media, CS, SHOA, MDAs etc. become the voice of the citizens and their constituencies. } Are these voices being ‘suppressed’ or enhanced? } Are the voices being manipulated for the benefit of certain individuals or groups? } Is the coordination of these voices being threatened by wrong or misunderstood democratic principles and practices.

All stakeholders must work towards giving and supporting voice of the citizens. Where should I strive to be? } On whose side are you when it comes to citizens issues? } We must strive to give voice to the people and not be the voice of the people all the time We have to be on our own side even as we change constituencies in our everyday life activities. Can AFORRC do it alone? NO! } The need for media, CS, SHOA and Government to maximize the inherent gains of partnering for development purposes cannot be over emphasized. Inclusion, participation, consultation, etc should be made the core of our practices for especially government administrators.

Any way Forward? }

1. Setting up and encouraging government processes of including citizens in decision making processes.

2. For those states that already have good institutions for citizens inclusion policy and budgeting process, let those be strengthened for balanced participation }

3. Media should mainstream accountability and civic education into their programmes. }

4. Legislators need to engage citizens through regular town hall meetings and NOT campaigns }

5. Legislators should endeavor to pass laws that facilitate discussions and feedback sessions between Members and their constituencies }

6. CS must strive to be of value to other partners.